Mission, Goals and Principles



  • Hermione (Hermiona) is a certified social activization service for families with children age 3 through 18.
  • It seeks to help migrant families to integrate into society and to adapt in school environment.
  • The service helps families deal with difficult ongoing social situations which threaten the child’s normal developing.
  • Hermione offers families a comprehensive long-term social support (at least three months).
  • A family can be in contact with a social worker, a social integration specialist, and a volunteer.

Most common situations when the service HERMIONE can be of help: 

A child has problems with school attendance, shows low performance, is being bullied at school.

A family is in a crisis, for example, parents are getting a divorce. They cannot secure decent housing for their children or satisfy their basic needs.

The main goal of the service is to support migrant families in difficult ongoing social situations, so that they could overcome these problems and the risk of endangering the child’s normal development is reduced.

The mission of the service is to help migrant families with children age 3 through 18 so that these children / young people adapt and succeed within the Czech education system (and subsequently have better chances of integrating into the labour market and the mainstream society).

The service is offered free of charge.

The service is provided in Prague, the Central Bohemian Region, Liberec Region, and Ústí nad Labem Region.


Personal data - GDPR

You have the right not to provide personal data and to remain anonymous.

Sometimes, in order to work with your case a social worker needs to know your personal data (name, email address, phone number or other). He/she will only have the information you provide.

CIC comply with the Act on Personal Data Protection and GDPR. Notes taken during consultations and your personal data is kept in a private database for three years. You can see your records; they are available on request. You can ask for your personal data to be deleted at any time.


Not satisfied with our social service? 
You have the right to complain about CIC services. For more information, see the Information on making complaints and suggestions form.